Wavemaker® G4 Mini Full

The latest Wavemaker® G4 Mini offers all of the traditional Wavemaker® features and some new ones in a small (22 x 30 x 13cm) and lightweight (4.5 kg) package.

This fully loaded instrument is capable of working with all of the pipe and tube transduction systems produced by GUL. It is suitable for both the lower frequencies that are used for buried and coated pipes and the higher frequencies that are used with HD rings for support inspection and higher sensitivity to pitting. With one button press, the instrument can be placed into gPIMS Collector mode to allow a minimally trained operator to collect repeat data from a permanently installed gPIMS sensor.

The instrument contains 16 channels; therefore you will need a pair of channel reducers when joining EFC or HD inflatable rings together to collect data on very large diameter pipes.